Welcome to Taminations

Taminations are the Square Dance animations of the Tam Twirlers Square Dance Club. Here you will find animations for calls from Mainstream through C3B. Most calls have several animations from different starting positions. Taminations are written and maintained by Brad Christie, webmaster of the Tam Twirlers Square Dance Club.

Taminations is not affiliated with CALLERLAB. For official and complete definitions, refer to the CALLERLAB documents. For Challenge definitions, the web site and books by Vic Ceder are another important reference.

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Try out the sequencer. Type in your calls and watch the circles and squares perform them.

For Square Dancers

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Taminations Copyright 2017 by Brad Christie.
This is free software, and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the terms of the GNU Affero license.

Call definitions Copyright by CALLERLAB Inc., The International Association of Square Dance Callers.

Japanese translations by Takatoshi Ozaki and the Japan Square Dance Association.

If you are a Facebook user, "Like" Taminations to get updates on changes and new features.

Recent Changes

10/2/2017 More animations for Flip the Line
9/29/2017 More animations for A-1 Linear Cycle
9/3/2017 Updated definitions from Callerlab for Trade, Extend, and Wheel and Deal.
9/2/2017 Add (unrestricted) Split Counter Rotate to C-1.
7/21/2017 Add new German translations for Basic 1 from Callerlab.
7/18/2017 Add most recent updates to Japanese definitions for Basic and Mainstream.
7/17/2017 Update with new definitions for C-3A from Callerlab
6/13/2017 Updated definition for Hinge
4/18/2017 Many examples added to Once Removed Concept
3/15/2017 Updated with most recent definition from CALLERLAB. Changes include the "Full" definitions for Ocean Wave Family, Run and Cross Run, Flutterwheel, Swing Thru, and Eight Chain Thru.
1/7/2017 More animations for Couples Trade
1/3/2017 Exhaustive animations for Eight Chain n
10/22/2016 Add Face Left / Right / In / Out
10/16/2016 Add extension of Cross Over Circulate at C-1.
9/26/2016 A couple more animations for Dive Thru and Roll
7/28/2016 Add animations for The K and Split Grand Chain Eight.
7/8/2016 Add variations of Square Thru.
5/13/2016 More animations for Cross Your Neighbor
2/15/2016 Added Grand Cross Your Neighbor
Added In Your Block Square Chain the Top
Added Grand Swing and Mix
1/29/2016 A few more animations for Press Ahead
Triple Cross moved from C-1 to A-1.
1/28/2016 Updated definition of Follow Your Neighbor
1/8/2016 Several fixes and improvements for the sequencer
12/25/2015 More animations for Triple Play.
12/13/2015 More examples for Finish concept.
11/17/2015 Label parts for calls with well-defined parts. Still need to update most Challenge calls with parts.
7/28/2015 More animations for Big Block Concept and Cross Chain Reaction.
7/16/2015 Add animations for Left Spin the Top and Left Fan the Top applications of the Facing Couples Rule.
6/25/2015 Some improvements to the sequencer for searching calls
6/11/2015 Better animations for Dixie Style to a Wave and related calls.
6/3/2015 Web links to Taminations now run the app on iOS and Android
4/19/2015 Japanese translations for all Basic, Mainstream and Plus calls.
4/12/2015 Complete Japanese translations for Plus calls.
4/11/2015 Add Japanese translations for some Basic 1 and Plus calls.
4/7/2015 Correct ending formations for Right and Left Grand / Weave the Ring.
Moved Facing Couples and Ocean Wave rules back to Basic 2 and updated with current CALLERLAB text.
Update Passing Rule and Same Position Rule with current CALLERLAB text.
Add Step Thru.
4/6/2015 Combine Magic Column Formation and Circulate into one page.
4/4/2015 More animations for 2/3 Recycle, and combine with the C-1 Recycle page.
More animations for Triple Box/Column/Line/Wave.
3/24/2015 Add search feature at top left to search all calls at all levels.
Improve size of animation frame for short and wide displays.
3/21/2015 More animations for Spin the Windmill.
3/13/2015 Add common variations to Right and Left Thru.
2/25/2015 Moved Facing Couples and Ocean Wave rules to Mainstream.
2/18/2015 More animations for Single Checkmate
2/17/2015 Add more animations for All 8 Circulate
2/7/2015 Update definition for Spin Chain and Exchange the Gears
1/15/2015 Better animations for 3 by 1 Triangle Circulate
11/22/2014 Better animations for Crossfire from inverted lines, and Single File Recycle.
Fix animation errors in Tally Ho and Tandem-Based Triangle Recycle.
7/21/2014 Add Left and Reverse to A-1.
7/14/2014 Restore Barstool and Compass features. See the instructions for more details. Also fix several small bugs.
6/28/2014 Fix for embedding some animations.
6/19/2014 Animations for Like a Ripple, Tandem-Based Triangle, Lateral Substitute, Interlocked Triangle Circulate, Touch by Fraction by Fraction/Anything, and Split Phantom Columns/Lines/Waves.
6/15/2014 Animations for C-3B calls Trade the Diamond Turnstyle Two-Faced Concept Sidetrack Wave the <anyone> With Confidence and Phantom Columns/Lines/Waves.
6/9/2014 Animations for C-3B calls Interlocked Rally Interlocked Ramble n Steps at a Time Shake and Rattle Strut Right/Left and Take n.
6/6/2014 A little re-arrangement of menus and buttons. Search all calls on the new Search page. Hexagon and Bi-gon options now on a second row of buttons instead of a hidden pop-up menu.
6/5/2014 Animations for C-3B calls Divide the Ocean/Sea Fan Concept Reverse Checkpoint Stimluate and Turn the Key
5/30/2014 Animations for Cross Lockit and Disband.
5/27/2014 Animations for Chase the fraction tag.
5/15/2014 Animations for Change Lanes.
5/8/2014 Animations for C-3B calls Quadruple Formation and Secondly/Thirdly/Fourthly.
4/29/2014 More improvements for the mobile web site.
4/25/2014 Fixes for the mobile web site. Animation slider can now be moved manually.
Animations for Lock 'Em Up Echo Concept Generous / Stingy Concept Cross Reactivate Cross Nuclear Reaction.
4/22/2014 Add animations for Release Anything and Step and Flip.
Add definitions for new C-3B calls Lock 'Em Up Echo Concept Generous / Stingy Concept Secondly / Thirdly / Fourthy Concept Quadruple Formation Anything / Cross Reactivate Cross Nuclear Reaction. Call removed from C-3B are still listed but noted as removed.
4/18/2014 Animations for C-3B calls Scramble and Bingo.
4/8/2014 Animations for C-3B calls Tag the Top, By Golly, Change Your Image, Nuclear Reaction.
3/31/2014 Animations for C-3B (Any Tagging Call) the Top.
Correct animations for Mix and Gee Whiz.
3/17/2014 Animations for C-3B calls Chuck-A-Luck, Good Show, Reflected Concept Trapezoid Formation.
2/22/2014 Animations for C-3B calls Cross Cycle, Loop and Tag, Magic Line | Wave.
2/13/2014 Animations for C-3B calls Busy (Anything) and Explode the Diamond.
2/8/2014 Animations for C-3B calls Lift Off and Rip Off.
2/7/2014 Animations for C-3B calls Flip Your Lid and Gee Whiz.
2/6/2014 Animations for C-3B calls Cross Flip the Line, Reverse Order, Reverse the Top.
2/2/2014 More animations for several C-3B calls: Central Concept, Mirror Concept, Reset, Swap the Top variations, Revolve to a Wave, Swing-O-Late, Cast and Relay, Boomerang, Interlocked Counter, Reactivate, Change the Centers/Wave", Diagonal Box Concept, Lickety Split.
1/24/2014 Add C-3B. Only a couple of calls have animations. Take a look at Twosome Concept.
12/31/2013 Update instructions.
Add "How It Works" section.
12/1/2013 Add some animations for Patch Anyone.
More animations for Peel Chain Thru.
11/30/2013 More animations for Mini Chase.
11/17/2013 Fix using mousewheel to control animation.
11/5/2013 Fix problems with the sequencer.
11/1/2013 More animations for Transfer and Anything.
Animation difficulty ratings adjusted so "Common" matches Standard Applications.
10/15/2013 More animations for Crazy Concept and Reverse Crazy Concept and
9/23/2013 Add definitions from Callerlab Abbreviated Basic and Mainstream Definitions as an alternative to the "full" definitions. "Abbrev" and "Full" buttons appear for these calls so you can choose which to view.
9/19/2013 Add definitions and animations for C-1 modifiers Start, Finish, Replace, Ignore, Interrupt, Prefer, and Left.
5/6/2013 Fix some bugs highlighting the current part.
More animations for Linear Action and Little More.
4/28/2013 Add levels Basic 1 and 2, Mainstream, and A-1, A-2.
3/17/2013 Correct Finally As Couples Scoot and Ramble to Finally Finally As Couples Scoot and Ramble
3/8/2013 Eliminated the "General" tab, moved the interesting items such as Facing Couples Rule and Ocean Wave Rule to Mainstream so apps will have them as well.
2/19/2013 More animations for 1/4 Mix/Wheel, Sets in Motion, Checkerboard Swap the Wave; fix Drift Apart from Trade By
2/14/2013 Sync couples numbering for Advanced, C-1, C-2 to match Ceder Chest examples. Add some more C-3A animations from Al Vesper.
2/10/2013 Add animations for Swing and Mix. A few C3A additions and corrections from Al Vesper.
2/8/2013 Add option to number couples 1 to 4 in addition to dancers 1 to 8. Also changed colors to match the standard used by caller's checkers.
1/25/2013 I've just uploaded a significant update. The animations are the same, but some of the data has been rearranged as part of writing an app for Android. If you have a problem, try clearing out the cache on your web browser.
1/6/2013 More work on editor for sequences, typing is now much better.
Fix for drawing phantom dancers in some challenge calls.
More animations for C3A calls Follow to a Diamond, Follow Your Leader, Grand Mix, Keep Busy, Initially Concept, Jay Concept, Hinge the Lock, Lock the Hinge Lockers Choice, Rally, Interlocked Little and Interlocked Plenty.
Better sizing of animations for short and wide screens.
Fix using the mousewheel to move through the animation.
Update the help page with current issues.
10/1/2012 Remove incorrect Spin the Windmill from a tidal wave.
Add some more animations to Acey Deucey.
Add Fancy from left-hand columns.
8/27/2012 More animations for Ease Off and Exchange the Box.
8/25/2012 Add the new sequencer.
7/28/2012 Add more Disconnected animations.
Remove incorrect Sets in Motion animation.
7/26/2012 Add more animations to Cross Back.
Remove Recycle from inverted lines.
6/26/2012 More animations for Right Roll to a Wave and Left Roll to a Wave.
6/22/2012 More animations for Turn Thru.
Clarify Wheel the Sea from Promenade.
6/15/2012 More animations for Drift Apart.
Fix handholds for 1/4 Mix and 3/4 Mix from Alamo Rings.
6/1/2012 More animations for Criss Cross Your Neighbor.
5/31/2012 More and better animations for Wrap to a Formation.
5/30/2012 Add more animations to Grand Square.
Restore missing page for Press In/Out/Left/Right.
5/26/2012 Add Four Ladies Chain from lines.
5/23/2012 Add Remake the Thar from Wrong Way Thar.
5/21/2012 Add more animations to Trade the Deucey.
5/14/2012 Add All 8 Crossfire and All 8 Explode the Wave.
5/10/2012Add more animations to Tandem Concept.
5/7/2012 Add more animations for Couple Up.
4/28/2012 Fix Cross Counter and add animation from Left-Hand 3/4 Tag.
4/22/2012 Add Linear Cycle to Advanced animations.
Update Half Breed Thru to new name Brace Thru.
4/19/2012 Update mobile animations to jQuery-Mobile 1.1. If you have a problem with the mobile version, try clearing your cache. On the iPhone, I think it's in Settings under Safari.
Add animations for Scoot Back and Roll and Spin the Top and Roll
3/17/2012 Restore missing Belles and Beaus to Advanced menu.
3/5/2012 Fix minor bug in dancer path display.
2/27/2012 Add more animations to Relocate the Setup.
2/17/2012 Add hints for specific browsers to the download page.
2/11/2012 Add Star Thru examples from the definition to Cross Concentric Concept.
2/10/2012 Add more animations to Ramble.
Add 4-dancer examples to Turn to a Line.
Add more animations to Sets in Motion.
2/8/2012 Add Beer Mug Chain, Tea Mug Chain and All Ladies Center/Right, Teacup Chain.
2/7/2012 Modify CSS code so only the definition is printed.
2/6/2012 Fix Concentric Slide Thru and Star Thru.
2/3/2012 Add more animations for Vertical Tag.
2/2/2012 Add animations for examples of Twist and (Anything).
1/31/2012 Resize mobile animation for older devices to fit screen.
Add more animations to Little.
Add more animations for Tandem Concept.
1/28/2012 Fix scrolling on this page.
Update dancer numbers on most Advanced and C-1 animations to match examples illustrated in definitions.
1/27/2012 Reprogrammed pages for mobile devices. Should look and work much better now. Some minor glitches remain, I will work on fixing them.
Fix animations of Bend the Line from tidal formations.
1/23/2012 Fix animation for Explode and Roll.
Add numbers display. Press the '#' button to number the dancers. For examples illustrated in the definitions, I'm working on making the numbers match the illustration. See Ping Pong Circulate for an example. This applies primarily to Advanced and Challenge levels, which have almost all the illustrated definitions.
1/18/2012 Update definitions for Wheel and Anything, Reverse Wheel and Anything, Little, and Plenty.
1/9/2012 Update definition and add animations for new examples for Transfer and Anything.
1/8/2012 Update definitions for Circle to a Line, Veer Left / Veer Right, Ladies Chain, and See Saw.
12/15/2011 Fix Stampede and add Left-Hand 3/4 Tag animation.
12/1/2011 Add more animations to Diamond Chain Thru.
Fix Wheel Around.
11/21/2011 Fix links to Anything and Cross and Named Dancers Cross.
11/7/2011 Clarify Separate calls.
9/17/2011 Add more animations to Turn to a Line.
Add concept animations to Peel to a Diamond and Trail to a Diamond.
9/12/2011 Add Acey Deucey from Trade By and Completed Double Pass Thru formations.
8/25/2011 Remove invalid animations from Sweep a Quarter.
8/21/2011 Add more animations to Peel Off.
8/20/2011 Add more animations to Once Removed Concept.
7/28/2011 Separate Taminations for computers vs handhelds and let the user select which one from the home page rather than try to auto-detect. See the two buttons TAMINATIONS for Computers and TAMINATIONS for Mobile Devices on the home page.
7/16/2011 Add Hourglass Circulate from facing hourglasses.
Add more formations and smooth out animations for Counter Rotate.
Add some animations to Solid Concept
7/7/2011 Add T-Bone formations to Cross Over Circulate and Tally Ho.
6/8/2011 Fix Concentric Half Tag the Line
5/15/2011 Upgrade jQuery-UI to 1.8, fixes problem dragging the slider with IE 9.
4/25/2011 Fix handhold display for IE9. Also upgrade to JQuery 1.5 and now running local with IE9 works well.
3/30/2011 Correct Any Hand Remake.
Add specific examples for Wheel And Anything.
3/23/2011 Correct Cross Over Circulate and Trade Circulate from left-hand waves.
3/19/2011 Add Peel Off and Roll
3/13/2011 Correct Peel Off from Left-Hand Box
2/28/2011 Add Any Hand Concept to Advanced.
2/21/2011 Correct Concentric Half Tag
2/8/2011 Add Walk and Dodge from T-Bones.
2/1/2011 For iPhone users: The name of the call is now at the top of the animation. Click on it to show the definition, or select hex or bi-gon variations.
1/22/2011 Add Spin Chain the Gears from a Tidal Wave and Two-Faced Lines.
1/15/2011 Correct Butterfly Pass In and Concentric Linear Cycle.
12/6/2010 Enabled a simplified interface for iPhone and iPod Touch. It should also work for other smartphones such as Android with browsers that can handle SVG and JavaScript.
Note that this is just another web interface, not an "app". You need to be connected to the web, either through the iPhone data connection or a Wi-Fi connection.
The animation is not as smooth as on a desktop or laptop, if you find it too jerky try running at the "Slow" speed.
12/4/2010 Move tips to Taminator quotes
12/3/2010 Update C-2 calls with the 2010 changes from Callerlab.
11/30/2010 Update C-1 calls with the 2010 changes from Callerlab. Butterfly calls are now listed under Butterfly Formation / Concept, likewise O calls under O Formation / Concept.
11/25/2010 Add All 4 Couples Turn Thru and All 8 Veer Left, Walk and Dodge, and Zoom
11/16/2010 Add Left Grand Quarter Thru and Left Grand Three-Quarter Thru.
11/15/2010 Update Mainstream definitions to the Callerlab March 17 2010 version.
11/14/2010 Add Named Dancers Cross and update the definition for Anything and Cross.
11/12/2010 Add Heads Wheel Thru and Left Wheel Thru.
11/11/2010 Enabled SVG for IE9 beta, looks ok except for handholds.
Minor fixes for SVG popup menu, bi-gon display. Now you can right-click to get the SVG popup.
11/9/2010 Mouse wheel now scrolls the SVG animation. Give it a try!
11/8/2010 Grid now works with Bi-gons
11/7/2010 Replaced Hex button with Paths button, moving Hex to the right-click SVG menu. Add Bi-gon animations (SVG only), also available from the right-click menu.
11/3/2010 Correct Crossfire from inverted lines.
10/29/2010 Add difficulty ratings to Plus calls.
10/28/2010 Add some difficult T-Bone formations to Chase Right
10/26/2010 Add more formations to Boys Trade and Girls Trade.
10/25/2010 Add more formations and difficulty ratings to Crossfire
10/24/2010 Add Acey Deucey from 3/4 Tag
10/23/2010 Adjust SVG handhold calculation to fix Circle to a Line
Add more variations to Circle By
10/21/2010 Fix As Couples Bounce the Ends
10/19/2010 Add difficulty ratings to many Mainstream calls.
10/1/2010 Add Motivate from Completed Double Pass Thru
Add Right Roll to a Wave Three Times
9/30/2010 Add Circulate from Trade By and Completed Double Pass Thru.
9/16/2010 Add Flutterwheel and Roll and Reverse Flutterwheel and Roll
9/11/2010 Restore missing call The Gamut to the C3A menu
8/29/2010 Fix direct linking to some calls.
8/21/2010 Fix Centers Cast Off 3/4 from Left-Hand Wave
8/19/2010 Add Right-Hand Wave and Left-Hand Wave to formations for Cast Off 3/4.
7/8/2010 Add Boys Face your Partner, Grand Square
6/25/2010 Fix file name for O circulate.
6/8/2010 Add Sashayed Couples and Lines to Star Thru and Slide Thru.
6/5/2010 Add special features Barstool and Compass to SVG animations. Access by shift-clicking on a dancer.
5/6/2010 Add variations to Step and Fold
5/4/2010 Add Load the Boat from a wave between mini-waves
Smooth out Spin Chain and Exchange the Gears and add variation turning the star a full turn.
4/24/2010 Show dancer path by clicking on the dancer. SVG only.
4/20/2010 SVG Path display now working.
4/17/2010 Handholds for SVG now working. Path display yet to do.
3/23/2010 Add Horseshoe Turn from 3/4 Tag
Add Heads Spin the Top
3/22/2010 Add more examples to Partner Tag
3/20/2010 Added Split Circulate from Completed Double Pass Thru
3/16/2010 Add more examples to Separate.
3/5/2010 Fix text display on How to Use page, and updated for the SVG animation.
3/4/2010 Corrected Slide Thru at end of Scoot and Cross Ramble
1/25/2010 Corrected Cross Ramble and Scoot and Cross Ramble
1/21/2010 Added Left Roll to a Wave from Two-Faced Lines
1/19/2010 Corrected 1/4 Mix and 3/4 Mix from Right-Hand Columns
1/18/2010 Added Right Roll to a Wave from Two-Faced Lines
1/17/2010 Added Left Pass and Roll